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Measure and develop intercultural competences


Sausamya extends way beyond just coaching and diagnostics.


Our methodology is complete with tools and techniques which can be applied in solving real business issues.

The Intercultural Readiness Check

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How can you be effective in a globalized world? 

Intercultural effectiveness is crucial in today’s globalized world. As a trainer, coach, manager or teacher, you want to support your clients, staff or students to develop the competences they need to succeed. But how do you do this effectively?

The Intercultural Readiness Check (IRC) is an online questionnaire. After completing the IRC, individuals receive written personal feedback with numerous suggestions for development.

Areas of analysis include:

How actively are you interested in other people and their cultural backgrounds?

How effectively do you adjust your communication style to meet the needs of people in a culturally diverse work setting?

How much do you invest into developing relationships across cultures and building culturally diverse networks?

How effectively do you use cultural diversity as a source of learning and innovation?

The Intercultural Readiness Check is validated by experts and used by more than 500 companies, training agencies, ministries, universities and other organizations in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas as well as Australia.

Get started with the Intercultural Readiness Check

Getting started is easy.

Contact us to explore how the Intercultural Readiness Check (IRC) can add value to your work. 



Explore the Seven Dimensions of Culture 

The CultureXplore tool is designed for business travellers and international managers. It allows the user to compare their personal cultural profile with all the countries included in the database.

It provides users with detailed information on how they score on the 7 Dimensions of Culture, and highlights differences across national cultures including specific tips for meetings, management and negotiations.


The tool also includes the cultural differences in Gender and Generation because to leverage the strength of diversity, one should move beyond nationality by incorporating the multiple layers of values that form perceptions and guide behaviours.


The App is based on Fons Trompenaars’ Seven Dimension of Culture model and is supported by data on the cultures of over 140 countries.

What is the purpose?

To provide a better understanding of cultural differences, the reasons for cultural differences, and most importantly to increase users’ cross-cultural management, communication and cooperation capabilities.

When should it be used?

It can be used as a self‐learning tool to understand and deal with cultural differences in business, but it can also be used as a culture encyclopaedia. Whenever a cross‐cultural issue appears, this online tool can be used to look for immediate answers.

What makes the app unique?

Tips are dependent on delta between individual and country of choice scores.

Compare your profile with other countries or country on country. Understand similarities your profile has to other national cultures.

Offers cultural differences in Gender and Generation.

Dimension 1: Universalism <-> Particularism

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Dimension 2: External <-> Internal

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Dimension 3: Future <-> Past

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Dimension 4: Synchronic <-> Sequential

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Dimension 5: Diffuse <-> Specific

specific - diffuse.png

Dimension 6: Affective <-> Neutral

neutral - affective.png

Dimension 7: Communitarianism <-> Individualism

communitarianism - individualism.png

Dimension 8: Ascription <-> Achievement

Ascription - achievement.png

I'm Interested! 

How can we tailor our tools and techniques to suit your organisation's goals?

Let's talk! Leave us your details and we will get in touch.

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